
Table Top Talk may have been quiet for the past many weeks, but we’ve been busy at HistoriFigs HQ…

Plenty of work still in the queue, but I recently had a slight breather from mold making projects and was able to sneak in a couple new molds for some New Blasted Planets releases.

The first set would have been announced yesterday, but I had some camera problems; pictures too dark or blurred. Alison is working on pictures today, and if she can overcome what ever was conspiring to make my pictures come out poorly we should have pictures and an official announcement tomorrow or Thursday.

In the meantime, I do have a couple of pictures to share. The first is something you might see if your were visiting the farm (HistoriFigs HQ)…


Oh, wait! Liam tells me this is not what our chickens look like – Chickens are what you might see running around the farm (yes, free range chickens).

OK, so the handsome fellow pictured above is our new Chickasaurus part of the Blasted Planets line of 25mm Science Fiction themed miniatures.
The Chickasaurus comes in two flavors; no. Not spicy or extra crispy, more like original recipe and fully tacked.

Original recipe is the chap you see pictured above. He is ready to roam the farm and terrorize your neighbors.

Fully tacked (with a side of Heavy Gravity Trooper) is pictured below.

Chickasaurus with HEavy Gravity Trooper

As you can see, our Heavy Gravity Trooper is armed with: Sword, Heavy blaster and equipped with shield.

Heavy Gravity Trooper? But what about Heavy Gravity infantry?
Have no fear (really). Heavy Gravity infantry is coming in May  (yes, 2012).

Production of these new Science Fiction cavalry types is slowly ramping up, but we will have good stock by Little Wars at the end of April. We would have been further along, but had a minor mishap with the dismounted trooper. I’m fixing up the master and these will be molded next week.

While on the subject of cavalry and beasts, we have one more sneak peek for you…

Wooly Bool with Heavy Gravity Trooper

Pictured above is an example of our New Wooly Bool. More on this cuddly beast once we have more pictures.

Lets close out with one more sneak peek…

Brain Siphon

Pictured above is the first of our next batch of Specialty figures (part of the Blasted Planets 25mm Science Fiction themed miniatures).
This slightly menacing fellow is known as a Brain Siphon (Liam says he looks kinda like an Ood – maybe will subtitle the figure the Nood – it could work, couldn’t it?).

Well, thats a wrap for today. Crossing my fingers for more tomorrow – besides I haven’t told you about the Human Infantry in greatcoats or the…