BP Human Infantry in Greatcoats

And now for our newest Blasted Planets release…

Human Infantry in Greatcoats.

Human Infantry in Greatcoat

Poses are come in two basic styles: Standing and Advancing at the Crouch.
There are two default headgear types. For the Standing poses, the default headgear is the Gulag Guard (a low fur cap). For the Advancing poses we have the Cossack, or tall fur cap.

Each pose grouping includes an officer and utility figure. The utility figures work well with shoulder fired heavy weapons.

These should all be listed on the Blasted Planets website by the end of the week.

Human Infantry in Greatcoat

Office with Gulag Guard cap and Infantryman with Cossack cap and Heavy Blaster

Human Infantry in Greatcoat

Advancing at the crouch, Gulag Guard armed with ppsh and Cossack cap armed with ppsh

Human Infantry in Greatcoat

Alternate Headgear: Officer with Officers (or Police) cap and Infantryman in soft shako

Next up: Heavy Gravity Cavalry and Blasted Bits (the first of various bits packs)

Blasted Bits Preview

Just a quick peek at some of the various bits to be included in our range of  Blasted Bits

More soon…