Those in Peril : Wilbur Smith

Literary Muster – Those in Peril

Those in Peril

Despite its predictability, characters of cardboard and silly dialog, Those in Peril is a rousing thriller.College student Cayla Bannock is cruising in the Indian Ocean aboard the family yacht. She should be studying, but she’s too busy with her boy toy – the cabin boy (Rogier) – being heals over head in love, she is blind to the harsh reality that she is merely a pawn in Rogier’s grand scheme…Soon enough Cayla is held captive by Rogier and his band of pirates and is being held for a $20 billion dollar ransom.

Will this be a simple matter of Cayla’s mother, Hazel, heir to Bannock Oil Corp, paying up? Of course not, or we wouldn’t have much of a story…

Security chief Hector (Heck) Cross to the reduce! Heck organizes a crack team of mercenaries and sets out on a daring rescue mission. And of course along the way Hazel and Heck fall in love (you knew it didn’t you?).

Wilbur Smith keeps the pages turning though his non-stop excitement. Smith handles action better than most any modern author. The story may be predictable, but Smith keeps it interesting and you will find yourself turning page after page as the plot unfolds…

For the war gamer: Plenty of modern mercenary vs. pirate/ action for numerous skirmish scenarios.

Those in Peril – by Wilbur Smith
480 pages, St. Martin’s Paperbacks; Reprint edition (January 31, 2012)

Also available for Kindle:
669 KB, Thomas Dunne Books; Reprint edition (May 10, 2011)


3 thoughts on “Those in Peril : Wilbur Smith

  1. I just noticed the links to the right hand side of the page that take you to the miniatures pages. I think that is a great feature!

  2. 🙂 They weren’t very visible with the old ‘look’, and then I had them in the footer – I figured moving them to the side bar would be more useful.

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