Blooadaxe GNW in Action

I know that I’ve mention the Bloodaxe Miniatures GNW figures a few different times in the past. I do believe that I’ve even talked a wee bit about my own GNW project that is slated to get rolling this year (April is my current plan). I may even have shown a few pictures, but not any pictures of the figures in action.

Jeff, a long time Bloodaxe Miniatures GNW war gamer, runs the Saxe-Bearstein blog where, among other things he reports on the happenings of his 18th century ImagiNation. Recently, Jeff granted permission to reuse his photos featuring the Bloodaxe Miniatures from his collection.

So, today I thought it would be a good idea to share a couple pictures from Jeff’s blog. These picture accompanied the post from 26 March 2013 and depict a war game battle fought about 7 years ago.




We hope you enjoy the pictures and will pay Saxe-Bearstein a visit when you are next looking for something new on the web.


3 thoughts on “Blooadaxe GNW in Action

  1. Is it possible to get a list and some scans of what you have available for the WSS & GNW for Bloodaxe figs?

  2. I checked out the Saxe-Bearstein site and it’s worth the look. Thanks for the link.

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