HistoriFigs News 26 October 2005

Our first News update from our new home…

Finally, Alison and Liam have arrived – we are now all in one place once again. It is nice to have us all together again. Everyone is doing well and settling into our new surroundings.

On the HistoriFigs front, things are moving slowly – so much to unpack and sort. The construction on the new shop space proceeds more slowly that I would like, but it is moving forward none-the-less. The spinner and melting pot are in place and functioning – I still need to raise the pot to a comfortable height, but otherwise basic casting equipment is in place. I still need to construct more permanent workbenches, but first I need to complete a couple of the walls, since the benches will be attached to the walls, they really need to be “done” first. So, I have some construction work ahead on me before we can resume “normal” operations.

We are presently beginning to process orders that have come in while we have been moving, and those should start to roll out the door shortly.

We have had a few problems with the forwarding of mail for HistoriFigs – we hope to get things sorted out soon. So, if you have mailed us an order, please shoot an email our direction and we will see if we can get things tracked down.

I’ve been working on some new releases and we will announce those as soon as we achieve normal operational status. But be on the lookout for Bloodaxe releases (ancient Romans, WWI – Germans and Russians), new N-Gauge releases (Zulus and more) there will even be a few “lost” Scruby’s in the mix…

Well, that should about do it for today – with this new format for the News, I hope to make more regular updates, so please