Sneak Peek: Blasted Planets…

The best way to describe activity here at HistoriFigs HQ is simple this “Busy, busy, busy

A lot going on with lots more to do; something happening everyday; Alison is busy in the casting shop. I’m busy in the mold making shop. Work in all scales from 10mm to 54mm. Custom and restoration work. Business systems and website work. Sales and Marketing work…

Well, anyhow, you get the idea. We are busy on all fronts. The good news this year is that we are keeping up with orders, some (Scruby figures) are taking a little longer, but mostly we are on track and on schedule. One place where we have blown the schedule is with the release of our first new figures in the Resistant Roosters line. These were due this month, but there are a couple of figures I’d like to see fixed or redone, so these are going back for a little bit of re-work. We expect to be able to release these in February.

Perhaps the delay will allow us to shift focus a wee bit and get the new 40mm AWI figures into production a bit sooner…

For sure the shift in production schedule has allowed us to start work on the Bloodaxe Moro Rebellion range. Another up side is that I was able to pull in a Blasted Planets release. The next Blasted Planets release is scheduled for next week – let’s just call it 1 February 2008. Up this time are figures to represent Human Light Infantry. The cool thing about these figures is that they have separate heads. The figures will ship with a random selection of heads (Peaked Cap, Beret, skin or bald heads and Stahl Helmet). Other heads will also be available. The first six are done and in molds (and in stock). Another 6 should be done this weekend (this mold should fit in between a couple custom casting projects) with more to follow. Our (short term) focus with the Blasted Planets line is to catch up with the smaller projects – “heads” and “bits”; once these are done the follow-up releases should roll out much more smoothly.

OK, I’ve kept you from the posting topic long enough, and so without further delay here is your sneak peek at the upcoming Blasted Planets release – Human Light Infantry:

Light Infantry

Light Infantry

Light Infantry

We will have an officer with Pulse Pistol, troopers with (crappy) Pulse Rifles and a Heavy Weapons support figure in this release. A nice, but small selection of figures – with the swappable heads you will be able to create a much larger variety of figures…

And now for a short list of things to look for in February: 40mm AWI (Americans Line), 15mm Resistant Roosters (Late War Greandeier/Panzergrenadier), N-Gauge (Scruby F&IW – sculpts by Jay Miller), Blasted Planets (Human Light Infantry) and more…