Dodd vs. La Duc

May has been a busy month, my backlog of figures to photograph continues to grow. As soon as I can clear the photo area I’ll grab the camera and start shooting pictures…

In the little bit of spare time I’ve been able to find I’ve been revisiting my Napoleonic Skirmish Game project. As you may know from previous posts my Napoleonic skirmish game uses our Scruby 45mm Napoleonic Skirmish figures and for rules I’ve been using my Napoleonic TSATF variant – The Sword and the Eagle. While I really like TSATF, I’ve never been really happy with my Napoleonic version. I’ve tried several other rules sets including Sharp Practice (Too Fat Lardies), but until recently I have not found a set I really like. Some number of months ago I decided to try out one more set of rules: Song of Drums and Shakos (Ganesha Games). So far I’m really liking this game system (In coming weeks I’ll be writing more about our exploits using various rules sets from Ganesha Games)…

Song of Drums and Shakos is a fast playing Napoleonic skirmish games based on the popular Song of Blades and Heroes system. One of the really nice things about this system is that one can play with as few as 5 or 6 figures per player; a points system is used to balance player forces. The game mechanics are far from complex. Each figure has a quality rating and players role for activation for each figure. Depending upon activation roll results figures can perform up to three actions per turn.

The game design is such that it can be used with nearly any figure scale you desire. The rules include measurements for 15mm to 40mm (all measuring is done using measurement sticks – Short, Medium and Long). When playing with 15mm figures one can play on a surface as small as 2 feet by 2 feet (with 28mm figures – 3 feet by 3 feet). For my 45mm figures I’ve adjusted measurements and play in a 4 foot by 6 foot space. When I first wrote/posted this I did not have my notes with me; thus didn’t get ‘it’ right. My adjusted measurements for 45mm to 54mm figures are as follows: Short 115mm, Medium 180mm and Long 270mm. The rules actually provide measurements for 40mm figures. However, most modern 40mm sculpts seem to fit into the same space as 28mm figures, so I recommend using the 25/28mm measurements as presented in the rules. If your 40mm figures have a larger footprint using the 40mm measurements or even my alternate 45/54mm measurements will work just fine. I’ll stick with my recommend playing space of 4 feet square for 40mm figures, unless you are using my alternate distance measurements; in which case I recommend my 4 foot by 6 foot space.

Now that I have a nice , simple set of rules I expect that Lance Corporal Dodd and Carabinier Sergeant La Duc will see much more table top action! Perhaps when I find time to remold, cast and paint some more of the Scruby 54mm Napoleonic miniatures I’ll bring  Sergeant Vladamir of the 37th Russian Jagers out of retirement (I did finally manage to locate the Sergeant Vladamir figure as well as four of his fellow Jagers).

Song of Drums and Shakos is expanded by More Drums and Shakos; which includes additional rules, special rules, weapons, four (4) scenarios as well as army lists for most Nations involved in the Napoleonic wars…

I’ll close out with a N-gauge teaser…

Look for NEW N-gauge Tricorne Era figures in the very near future -Last night I cast patterns for Officers (foot and mounted) as well as the first of the New Highlanders…