Mafrica Map – Sold Out

Over the weekend our last copies, from the 3rd print run, of the Mafrica Map were spoken for. This means that the third print run is now Sold Out!

Unless we see a demand for these maps, it will be some time before the next print run. We have been looking at producing a smaller version of the map at a reduced price. I have some samples in hand, but I’m not really pleased with the result. They are functional, but the color is off. I will have some of these smaller (12″ x 18″) maps at Little Wars, and they will be priced at $5.00 each. Sometime in May, I’ll work up a subscription plan for another print run (of the 18” x 24” map) and if there is a demand, we will print more maps sooner, rather than later.

Look for more news later this week.