Photo Sneak Peek (updated)

Alison has completed her photo sessions. However, I need to finish my editing sessions. Rather than making you wait longer for any photos, I thought I’d share a couple pictures.

After some email questions and comments online, I figured it might be a good idea to provide a little more background information on, at least the drummer figures. Updates to the original post are presented in maroon and italics.

Drummer in Bearskin

These are from some very much delayed 28mm American War of Independence releases. The first, as you can see is our Drummer in Bearskin. This drummer and his brothers (in tricorne and bare headed) are from our small range of convertible castings. Our convertible castings were originally intended to be sold headless, with a selection of do-it yourself heads. We found that, while buyers liked the idea of swappable heads, many found assembly a bit too fiddly. As such we will be offering versions with heads cast on (convertible versions will also be available) as shown above. In addition to the drummer we have his cousin the Standard bearer (same headgear offerings). These models were not intended to represent any specific unit, they were initially designed to fill in gaps in my personal AWI armies. The masters have been kicking about on my workbench for the last 6 or 7 years (did I mention that sometimes we are really sloooow to release new figures?). As such further additions to this (small) range may not match as well as we once hoped for, but we shall see what we can come up with.

British Light Infantry Officer in cut down coat

The next is the officer figure for our British Light Infantry wearing cut down coats. I have a bit of re-working to complete on the remainder of this (light infantry) set, but do hope to have work completed an figures ready by Thanksgiving. These light infantry figures are of the same vintage as the drummer above. They have been delayed mainly due to the need to re-work a couple of the figures (changes to make them easier to cast).

Alison will have another photo session next week. This will cover the 15mm pieces I missed passing off to her for this week. She will also take a pass at some of the 20mm Napoleonic figures recently re-molded.

That is a wrap for this week. My weekend days will be filled with farm work, as well as two scheduled shop sessions (mold work as well as some casting). I also have a small amount of sculpting work to complete. So. my weekend will be full. Be sure to check-in next week for the final lists for round one of 20mm French Napoleonic Cavalry re-molding, and more pictures and figure release announcements.